Radove za Drugi internacionalni simpoziji SEMANT 2024 možete prijaviti na e-mail namir.h@cnt.ba u okviru sljedećih sekcija:
1. Energetki materijali
2. Odbrambene tehnologije
3. Nove tehnologije i materijali
4. Umjetna inteligencija
5. Zeleni plan
Radovi mogu biti prezentirani kao plenarna predavanja (30 min), usmene (15 min) ili poster prezentacije. Sažeci radova prihvaćeni od Naučnog odbora kongresa bit će štampani u Knjizi sažetaka, a cijeli radovi u časopisima: Defense and Security Studies (DSS), Sustainable Engineering and Innovation (SEI) i Heritage and Sustainable Development (HSD).
Papers for the 2nd SEMANT 2024 with international participation can be submitted via namir.h@cnt.ba in the following sections:
1. Energetic materials
2. Defense technologies
3. New technologies and materials
4. Artificial intelligence
5. Green Agenda
Papers can be presented as plenary lectures (30 min), oral (15 min) or poster presentations. Abstracts of papers accepted by the Scientific Committee of the Congress will be printed in the Book of Abstracts, and all papers in journals: Defense and Security Studies (DSS), Sustainable Engineering and Innovation (SEI) i Heritage and Sustainable Development (HSD).
Slanje sažetaka/
Abstract submission do/until 01.09.2024.
Obavještenje o prihvatanju/
Acceptance notification do/until 15.09.2024.
Rana kotizacija/
Early registration fee (100 €) do/until 16.08.2024.
Kasna kotizacija/
Late registration fee (120 €) do/until 10.10.2024.
Kotizacija za studente/ Registration fee for students (30 €)
Kotizacija preko elektronske pošte namir.h@cnt.ba je obavezna i uključuje materijal za kongres, osvježenja u pauzama, ručak i Gala večeru.
Registration via e-mail namir.h@cnt.ba is mandatory and includes materials for the congress, refreshments during breaks, lunch and Gala dinner.
Studentska kotizacija ne uključuje Gala večeru i istu je potrebno doplatiti ako student želi prisustovati na istoj (doplata iznosi 40 € ).
The student registration fee does not include the Gala dinner. If a student wants to attend the Gala, it is necessary to pay an additional 40 €.